
Need a pause from innovating? This Idea Connection Systems Mind Puzzle will help give you the break you need. It is used in a variety of our workshops as well as our ISPI® certification class. The puzzle is great for your desk, office, or innovation space. As a conversation piece, it opens dialogue about the importance of how to make the invisible human dynamics of innovation visible and sustainable.

It acts as an excellent reminder about the mind bending paradigm shifting processes an organization must go through to harness its innovation potential, and just like a puzzle, once you understand how to do it, you can do it over and over again.

The puzzle works by spinning it on a flat surface, sending the dowel pins back, opening up the center notches, at which point, the person playing can pull the two halves apart.

The wood is engraved with our logo on one side and “Making the Invisible Visible” on the other. You can purchase these in bulk as gifts for your innovative team members at a special discounted rate.