
The Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator®, (ISPI™), is the business tool of choice for organizations needing to build team’s capable of creating great outcomes by leveraging each team member’s individual strengths.

The ISPI™ was built, from the ground up, with the sole intent of speeding up the type of innovation your organization needs. Whether it be evolutionary, expansionary or revolutionary, the ISPI™ can help build the team that can lead the way. It can clearly paint the picture of the innovation relay race that is necessary to spur innovation.

The Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator®, (ISPI™), is used globally in innovation efforts by organizations large and small.

  • Fast – typically less than 15 minutes to administer.
  • Reliable – Chronbach Alpha tested
  • Effective – The tool of choice for organizations large and small.
  • Powerful – looks at three areas of the brain unlike most other tools which only look at one area.

What comes with your ISPI™ feedback?

  • Comprehensive Personalized feedback report